Wednesday 11 September 2013

Pre-Equinox Velvet Tongue - Summer 2013 - Thanks!

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to a very special Summer Velvet Tongue. It was as much fun as expected and more. The standards are just getting higher and higher. Probably the best attended VT to date with an increasingly sexy and supportive audience! (even if we started late and overran...)

Thanks to all the contributors & the supportive venue. It was hot, hot, hot. In more ways than one.

Contributors in order of appearance were:

Pippa (on the door), Ernesto Sarezale (multimedia host), Mr. Mistress, Alex Hopkins, Eva von Schnippish, Lazlo Pearlman, Ania Ostrowska with Mr. Mrs. and Lazo (see picture top left), Ernie Burns, Rene L'Amour, Paul Ebbs, Jane Fae, Tom Bland, Matthew Stradling, Cynth Icorn, Andrew Fiver, Jenna R-c.

See a picture of each participant below (in order of appearance):
(more pictures - including NSFW images - at: )